AICCTU in Solidarity with the Workers of France in their Struggle Against Retirement Reforms!
AICCTU Stands in Solidarity with the Workers of France in their Struggle Against Retirement Reforms!
Congratulates the Working class of France for their massive United Assertion!
Dear Comrades,
On behalf of the rank and file of All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU), we extend our firm solidarity with the workers of France in their Struggle against Retirement Reforms. We particularly congratulate the working class of France for their massive united assertion on 19th January 2023 involving all the eight main French trade unions against the tightening of rules for the pension including the increase of legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years.
We salute this historic development of coming together, after a long time, of all eight main French trade unions as well as various non-unionized workers. We also congratulate the rank and file of the CGT for playing a most consistent and leading role in opposing the series of attacks on working class by the French government.
We strongly condemn and oppose the Emmanuel Macron led French government's move to dilute pension benefits of French workers under the garb of Covid and economic crisis. This is nothing but shifting of the burden of ever-growing economic crisis of the bourgeoisie on to the shoulders of working class, instead of taxing the corporate and the super rich.
In India also, workers and employees are fighting in a big way against the National Pension System (New Pension Scheme -NPS). The NPS throws the pension funds, the old age social security, into vagaries of the market and denies assured benefits to workers. NPS is actually a road to the privatization of pension. The working class in India is demanding scrapping of NPS and restoration of Old Pension Scheme (OPS), which assures pension benefits.
We are confident that the united working class movement of France will definitely push back the French government. We wish the working class of France for a victory to scrap the proposed retirement reforms.
In Solidarity
General Secretary